Here you see four pictures with the same view in different seasons. The size of the original photos is 1.152 x 864 in pixels. At the first moment they seem to be congruent, but that is not true.
The differences are
To correct the aberrations you have to look for objects in the images which can be used as fixed-points. Then you have to determine the coordinates of these points.
The coordinates and the calculated numbers can be read in the tables Koordinaten … von Überblendbildern.
The fixed-points number 3 and 4 were choosen for the calculation with the steps
Reading the coordinates of the corners of the photos inside the large pictures you can find out the position and size of the largest possible common image. You cut it out of each picture and now have congruent photos.
The normal procedure of picture editing follows, contrast, brightness, sharpness and the final size for the webpage.
Now you can use a flash-, video- or gif-animation-program.
There is no science, no mysticism in this work, only accuracy and endurance.