Oh dear... There are so many pages about WC!
Sure! There is a reason: what people excrete is of the same importance as what they eat and drink.
Moreover, whoever travels knows that the search for an acceptable sanitary facility can sometimes
be almost an existencial question!
Anyway a necessary topic, but sometimes you may grin. Click the images!
Ladies to the left, gentlemen to the right or other way round?
Toilets in a restaurant in northern Thailand.
No, that was no luxury restaurant; normal food, normal prices...
Motorway service area in the north of Thailand
Clean toilets are the most important promotion for the service areas
Long time ago:
Operating instruction in a Japanese hotel.
In those days flush toilets of Western style were still rather unknown in Japan. The instruction was necessary, as people often tried to squat over them. Nowadays the Japanese have the most developped technology concerning flush toilets.
In the present era of gender equality this instruction is outmoded. The political correctness expects every person to sit, not to stand - without exception!
Japan 1981
Squat Toilet
I cannot describe advantages and disadvantages of squat toilets better than
Wikipedia does.
I am an old man and moreover a Westerner. I cannot squat. I have to bend my knees and it is quite strenuous for me to defecate. Therefore I better take off my trousers totally. But how to manage in this wet room without getting dirty trousers or feet?
I have to hop like a stork, balance on my right leg, put off my left shoe, get off my left trouser-leg..., slip into my left shoe - then the same procedure with the other leg.
This is a
sound play.
click the photo!
Try to imagine the situation! Someone balancing on his one foot, then on his other foot,
trying to keep his clothes clean.... What you hear happened behind the first door on the
right side.
Mandalay, Burma 1983
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"Please, where is the toilet?" A vague gesture to the djungle, to the riverbank or wherever. There are no toilets. . |
Someone was really tired. Norway 1998 |
Laos 1998 |