These pictures were taken on Octobre, 7, 2010 from the Edelweissspitze, a view point above the Grossglockner High Alpine Road.
Panorama from the Edelweißspitze: in the right section (view to the South) you will see the
Grossglockner High Alpine Road coming down from its highest point, the Hochtor.
The image follows a right angle. Thus the left mountains are in the East.
The original image is composed out of 6 photos and has the size of 13738px x 2551px.
Do not forget to click! The image will then have a height of 600px.
Panorama from the Edelweißspitze:
The viewing direction will move from about SW (on the left edge) to W. Left hand you see the small road
which leads upwards to our view point. The Grossglockner High Alpine Road winds to the North down into
the Fuscher valley.
The original image is composed out of 3 photos and has the size of 7294px x 2613px.
Do not forget to click! The image will then have a height of 600px.